
Peru: Cajamarca to lure 10,000 visitors during carnival season

La Municipalidad Provincial presentará oficialmente, el próximo miércoles 18 de enero, el programa de actividades del Carnaval 2017, así como el afiche y toda la información concerniente a esta tradicional y popular festividad, que consagra a Cajamarca como la capital del carnaval peruano.

La Municipalidad Provincial presentará oficialmente, el próximo miércoles 18 de enero, el programa de actividades del Carnaval 2017, así como el afiche y toda la información concerniente a esta tradicional y popular festividad, que consagra a Cajamarca como la capital del carnaval peruano.

13:12 | Cajamarca (Cajamarca region), Jan. 13.

More than 10,000 domestic and foreign tourists will arrive in northern Cajamarca region attracted by its traditional carnival running from January 18 to March 1, Cajamarca Regional Chamber of Tourism (Caretur).

Caretur head Sergio Caceres told Andina news agency these figures resemble those from last year. He also said the influx of tourists on these days depends on the number of beds at hotels.

Nevertheless, arrivals might reach 15,000 during carnival season, because many people rent houses or stay at friends or relatives due to the lack of rooms.

Cajamarca's tourism industry is on the rise, and this is due to the city's quietness. "Problems caused by social problems a few years ago are being left behind," he said.

Caceres explained Cajamarca remains one of the favorite tourist destinations during the carnival season. "People come from everywhere, mainly from cities in northern Peru such as Piura, Trujillo, Chiclayo, Chimbote and also Lima."

Caretur is in constant coordination with businesses (hotels, restaurants, tour operators and agencies, transport companies, among others), putting emphasis on a fair treatment of tourists.

Coordination also involves working closely with the Tourism Police, which safeguard visitors as they travel to various attractions in the city.

With the support of Foreign Trade and Tourism Ministry (Mincetur) and Promperu, Caretur plays a key role in the promotion of Cajamarca as tourist destination at tourism fairs on a regional and national basis.


Published: 1/13/2017