
FA Min reaffirms commitment to defense of Peru's diplomacy and sovereignty

Photo: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Peru

Photo: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Peru

14:30 | Lima, Apr. 20.

Foreign Affairs Minister Javier Gonzalez-Olaechea reaffirmed his commitment to the defense of Peruvian diplomacy and sovereignty.

Remarks were made during his presentation at the extraordinary session of the Benemerita Sociedad Fundadores de la Independencia (Meritorious Society Founders of Independence) in Lima.

During his speech, the Cabinet member referred to the new challenges currently posed in foreign policy, such as the Disruptive Era, in addition to international security and peace.

"As Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic, from the first day I was clearly aware of the weight of this enormous legacy and the dimension of responsibility that falls on me in the face of the new challenges that are posed to Peruvians and humanity: the transition from an era of changes to a change of era, the Disruptive Era," he noted.

Moreover, Gonzalez-Olaechea expressed concern about the growing nuclear club, the unstoppable arms race, hybrid wars, new lethal weapons, new applications for international security, military nano intelligence, the proliferation of lethal fundamentalisms that nowadays, without any doubt, reconfigure the world order day by day, hour by hour.

"In addition to land, sea, and air space, we witness the supremacy of the fourth space: the exterior under the new doctrine: the multidomain, and not to mention one of the new threats that we must face without blinking, I mean those new international actors that -not being States themselves- pierce our security, such as transnational organized crime, increasingly numerous and complex phenomena, such as diasporas and forced migrations, among others," he indicated.

Minister Gonzalez-Olaechea was incorporated as an honorary member of the Benemerita Sociedad Fundadores de la Independencia —the first patriotic institution of Peru created by Law No. 2432 to honor the memory of the founders of our independence.

In this regard, the government official stated that he receives "this honor, with humility, respect, but, above all, with the unwavering commitment by virtue of the oath that I took before the Nation when assuming the responsibility of exercising the position that I hold and whose substance is no other than the defense of the sacred permanent interests of our homeland."

Lastly, he pointed out that to honor those who fought for Peru's independence, as well as defended its sovereignty and interests, it is necessary to update and project the legacy abroad in the permanent task of building a safe, united, respected, and prosperous nation.


Published: 4/20/2024